Tag der Lehre

25. Mai, 2022

Square, Universität St.Gallen

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In the Spotlight

Welcome & Keynote


A Tree Growing in an Energy Efficient Light Bulb, the Concept of Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Energy Options.

Welcome: Ten Types of Innovation – in Learning and Teaching

Prof. Dr. Martin Eppler;Prorektor LehreJacqueline Gasser-Beck; Teaching Innovation Lab


virtual reality programming concept. vr goggles with lightni

Experimental Learning Labs: für mehr Sinnlichkeit in der digitalen Didaktik

Keynote Charlotte Axelsson; ZhdK


Society Concept with Small Game Pieces

Q&A and Discussion

Reflect on what we just heard...


Podcast / Rapid MOOC


Music in Lockdown - hOw to Podcast with Students (engl.)

Prof. Dr. Paula Bialski; SHSS


What can Podcasts do for you? (engl.)

Intro and Workshop

Fabia Odermatt; Medialab


Lecture Capture With Rapid MOOC


Dr. Samuel Heer; Teaching Innovation Lab


Teaching and Learning in Action


student Perspective:

Learning @ SQUARE

Lukas Zumbrunn

President Student Union (SHSG)



Man Sitting on Grass Using Computer


Hands Holding Rubik Cube

Creativity and Learning

Anne Rickelt; OPSY HSG

designing for social good - lessons learned

Prof. Dr. Philipp Ebel; IWI HSG

Edona Elshan; IWI HSG

Student Pitch - Course Finale

Leistung als System:

Kompetenzentwicklung am Beispiel des Capstone-Projekts im Bachelor BWL

Dr. Jürgen Spickers; SOM

Charlotte Axelsson

Leitet an der ZHdK den Fachbereich

E-Learning. Sie entwickelt innovative Lern- und Lehrkonzepte im Spannungsfeld von sinnlicher Erfahrbarkeit und zärtlicher Begegnung.


Game On

Prof. dr. Paula BialsKi

Ethnographer of digital technologies, looking at contexts of usage as well as production, and she frames her research within cultural, social and media theory in general, and science and technology studies in particular.

Anne Rickelt

In her PhD Anne focuses on entrepreneurship education. This semester she experimented with Art in the MA Climate Solution.

Dr. Jürgen Spickers

hat mehr als 300 Transferprojekte in der Weiterbildung gecoacht und ist für das Strategie-Capstone Projekt im Bachelor BWL verantwortlich.

Prof. Dr. Philipp Ebel

Projektmanager am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik tätig in den Bereichen Agile Innovation, Business Model Development und Hybrid Intelligence.

Program of the Day


Ten Types of Innovation - in Learning and Teaching

Welcome Prof. Martin Eppler, Prorektor Lehre

Experimental Learning Labs: für mehr Sinnlichkeit

in der digitalen Didaktik

Keynote Charlotte Axelsson, ZHdK

Music in Lockdown – How to Podcast with Students

Prof. Dr. Paula Bialski; SHSS

Workshops Podcast / Rapid MOOC

SQUARE - Teaching in Action

Anne Rickelt, Philipp Alexander Ebel,

Edona Elshan, Jürgen Spickers, Claire Born


Live @ the SQUARE

Drinks and Music

Mobile Student Bar @ the SQUARE

Mainstreet Factory (Live Act)

DJ in Residence